

When You Look down art work

When You Look down

El Nai

217 plays 406 downloads added 7 years ago

About When You Look down

When You Look Down is a song written in English, Lugbara, Luganda and Arabic.

God has placed me around these 4 communities, and he has been speaking to me through proverbs 19:17 to extend this same message to them.

Although efforts are being made to help the underprivileged, orphans etc, the poor have had little attention, in fact they have become invisibles! 

We need to rise up and realize that they are also people, who struggle, and who deserve to have attention paid to their struggles.

We need to see this and hear about it, so that we can keep our humanity intact and maintain our ability to have empathy and compassion for others.

PRODUCER Slim beats <slimbeats28@gmail.com>

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