

Ejinja art work


Musoke brian

390 plays 202 downloads added 8 years ago

About Ejinja

Ejinja (Stone) is a song the Spirit gave to me from ---- Acts 4:11. It says Jesus Christ is the stone the builders rejected which became the corner stone. I go on to relate how parents care for their children, how they can do anything for the good of their children, how they bring beautiful gifts to them.....and so on.... HOW MUCH MORE CAN GOD DO IT FOR US ---- Matthew 7:11. He can never disown us yet a mother can disown the child she carried 9 months in her womb ---- Isaiah 49:15. The song says if you don't have a CHILD (JESUS CHRIST ---- Matthew 16:16) get a STONE (JESUS CHRIST ---- Acts 4:11) in other wards it’s calling upon people to salvation and to receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. ---- John 3:3-7

In the First verse, I show how our dad knocked at the door and without doubt we knew it was him because he knocked differently from others. He always carried good things for us including our most desired as kids (bread). So is Jesus, in verse 3, when He knocks everyone understands its HIM. When He comes in He brings good things for us and we dine together ---- Revelation 3:20.

In verse 2, I show how our mum did away with riches, good and attractive things just for our sake. For us to be well, to be educated, and to get whatever we asked. Sacrificing her happiness for us to be happy and many more others. So did Jesus Christ. He did away with riches in heaven, honor and all just for our sake. He sacrificed His happiness for us to be happy, He become poor for us to become rich...... and many more ---- 2 Corinthians 8:9. Not forgetting that the devil is the father of lies. he came to steal, kill and destroy but Christ came that we may have Life and in abundance ---- John 10:10.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and Life ---- John 14:6.
John 3:16.... Believe in Jesus Christ and
Be Born Again.

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