

Heaven or Hell art work

Heaven or Hell

Saint Emrise

439 plays 227 downloads added 8 years ago

About Heaven or Hell

Heaven or Hell is a song based on Revelation 20 vs 15 ..I aimed at reminding my fellow saints as well as non believers, concerning the reality of both heaven and hell. we shall all die at some point and the big question is where are you gonna spend your enternity? Majority answer this question by saying hell regardless of not been saved..that's not possible I disagree though they would argure by saying by his grace. Yes grace but he already gave the lamb {jesus}. no other lamb shall be given.one has to work on their own salvation..so heaven or hell emphasises making that choose now, death may strick any second of given time..since it strikes, the least we expect it just a thief..the choice is up to us heaven or hell ? The choice is yours you've got to choose wise.

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