

REALEST art work


Kris Erroh

4105 plays 1378 downloads added 6 years ago


he song has a very different energy from what we’re used to getting from Kris. Realest is a song that is dear to Kris’ heart and he had this to say on why he wrote the song:

When I wrote this song a few months back, I remember I was looking for a song to describe what I was going through… For like 3hrs I searched and searched… All the songs were dance moves and hype songs (of which I’m a fan)…but it wasn’t cutting it. I strongly believe music speaks with clarity what words cannot express. The following Wednesday I went to the studio with  Yo Alex and after going through like 3 instrumentals…I asked him if he had a slower song…and BAM!!! This came on. It didn’t take one hour to write and record this piece. To the many people who have called me, sent messages and even shared my work…I salute you all. You guys make it worthwhile. I no longer do music to be no.1, I do music to change lives.

If you watch the video till the end, you will notice that Kris has featured a professional counselling organisation called Niskize as part of his project. On this Kris says:

Niskize is a wonderful initiative set up to help anyone going a rough time and you need someone to talk to, anonymously or not, everything is confidential. Don’t suffer in silence. Just pick your phone and talk to someone…they are professionals…and with years of experience. This project wasn’t about me…it was about all of us. Be bold… Reach out, Overcome, WIN.

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