Allan Dereal 7 years ago Read: 3189 Times

Gospel Artiste Stage Names Explained - See Details

Gospel artiste stage names and their meaning

Ever wondered what the stage names of certain individuals mean? I did a survey on certain individuals about what their stage names do mean and I came to learn that behind every name, there’s a meaning.

Among the many I interacted with, this is what those who responded back said:

Zabuli -  Mine means songs... My whole life is albums of songs compiled in form of testimony thru ma experiences and one man stands out in the bible for the same. King David. His life too was. That’s why am Zabuli. A life full of songs and stories to tell good or bad. There is a song in that situation.

Robinsan- “Robin” comes from Robert my real name and it means someone brave and famous and “San” stands for son of God. I am from a family of 4 whereby I am the only boy. So “son” represents son of God and also only son in my family.

Lena Price (Omukiga omukyajinge)- ‘Lena’ means lovely and ‘price’ is simply priceless really don't know but omukiga omukyajinge means a charged up mukiga.

Dj Rayne- D Rayne means mighty warrior (He is the music director and official deejay on the big mix on spirit fm that happens every Saturday from 2pm to 4pm)

D.reign- ‘D.reign’ means Destined to Reign. Though D stands for my family members Denis my dad and Davis, Denson and Dalton

Dj Jonal- It means original and popularity

Crystal Fabulous- Christo fabulous means Christ is fabulous and my real names are Kujagata masembe Christopher.

Bwayos BTD- Well my real names are Bwayo Ronald. BTD is an acronym for Bwayos The Disciple. I just added (S) on my sir name. To make it appear cool, I got rid of (')

Logic- Logic Em is my name as a gospel recording artist. Logic as a name to me means something that makes sense. And I believe the gospel I represent, the death and resurrection of Christ being the one thing that makes the most as being the one thing that makes the most sense on planet earth to me and me being privileged to witness of it. And Em Artistically represents M the first Letter of my second name Manzi which means being brave. Hence Logic Em

Colifixe- ‘Colifixe’ is from Corinthians de Bible book just made some changes to make it Colifixe but it means Corinthians.

Fortune Spice- Fortune is luck n spice is flavor. Real names Sentamu Felix

LM Fidem - LM Fidem means Lenman Martin at your service. (He is an artist known for featuring on riddims like Seek After and Sold Out Riddims based in Heerlen)

Minista Sami K- It's my real name. Sami is short for Samuel and K is an initial for Kiggundu. So Sami Kiggundu Minista means a minister

Godartiste-     My real name is Johnoy Davis. Godartiste is a simple name with a profound meaning. I am an artiste that strives to represent God. So in my walk, in my talk and in my music, Christ must be identified. (He is a reggae, ragga dancehall artist based in Kingston Jamaica)

Profet - Profet is a structure of guide line that I use or base on in my ministry as a minister at church and in the gospel ministry,

 P - Prayer, I can't be a minister of strength and power without prayer, through prayer God speaks to me gives me new lyrics and tells me what to do. This is so important. R - Right or righteousness I have to be as a minister who is righteous and does the things that are right before God.

O - Obedience is also key to me, I have to be obedient and obey what God tells me and also to my spiritual leader who in this case is my pastor.

F - Faith and being faithful. I should have faith in the one who chose me to rap for him because it’s not by my understanding that I get these lyrics and also being faithful to the cause of my position in the church.

E - Endurance in all hard times I will stick to my ministry even when I feel I am tired and feel I can't go anymore he still hits me up if I persist in him.

T - Trust, I should trust myself that I can make it in my ministry to greater heights coz if I don't believe in myself who will? I also trust in the lord and I don't lean on my own understanding. because I don't drum at church by my might to glorify his name neither do I get lyrics from my own understanding but only putting my trust in him to deliver to me when I ask him.

Levixone -  “Levi” comes from Leviticus and “Xone” stands for 1tym which makes it Levixone ...u can say “Levixone” means a Levit which means someone who carries anointing.

Dafari - Dafari means The Disciple (He is based in Kenya)

Mc Rabbi-      Teacher of the word through the mic and through music (He is based in Kenya nad we hosted him last at the gospel lounge night)

Mc Yallah - Mc means master of ceremony (A person who moves the crowd) or mic controller (A person who rocks the crowd) Yallah means determination and affection. Full names Yallah Gaudencia Mbidde.

SAINT CROSS. From my name Innosaint Cross meaning because of the CROSS we are SAINTS for he took on our sin so we can pertake of his righteousness so we are free from our dark past. Real names Ouma Innosaint Cross.

Segmento: SEGMENTO is an abbreviation for Sent to Give a Messages for Nations To Obey.
The name stands right within the message packaged in the songs I deliver.



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