Allan Dereal 7 years ago Read: 1335 Times

Judith Babirye (Hon) Releases Video for Obuntu Obutono - Watch here

Judith babirye releases obuntu obutono tono video

Judith Babirye, Now Honorable in the Ugandan Parliament, has of recent been releasing great songs, including katonda talimba among others. This time she has decided to shoot videos for some of her old projects - well, calling them old might get many people not agreeing with me here, as many say Judith's songs never get old.

Starting on this list is the video for Obuntu Obutono - a song that talks about love and relationships, The phrase simply means, the small things we do, are the ones that matter to our loved ones. Other upcoming videos include;- Kwata omukono gwange amonge others.

Play and Download the audio for Obuntu Obutono HERE
Watch the Obuntu Obutono VIDEO HERE



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