Presiding Apostle Dr. Joseph Serwadda
Apostle Dr. Joseph Serwadda Founder of Victory Churches World Wide, Senior Minister Victory Christian Centre Ndeeba since 1985, and the Current Presiding Apostle Born Again Faith in Uganda residing in Over 12000 Churches celebrates 70th year.
This is how far God has brought him you can see on this stages below.
14years | 21years | 28years | 35yesrs
Pr. Serwadda was once a teacher at Lubaale Primary School in Kabulasoke, Gomba District. He studied Journalism and later named his first-born son, David Martin after a BBC presenter that he admired immensely for clarity of speech and deep-voiced Southern England accent.
“I still use albeit differently, and use communication skills for doing what I do today, evangelism,” Pr. Serwadda says.
J𝐨i𝐧 𝐀p𝐨s𝐭l𝐞 𝐃r. 𝐉o𝐬e𝐩h S𝐞r𝐰a𝐝d𝐚 𝐟o𝐫 𝐚 𝐂e𝐥e𝐛r𝐚t𝐨r𝐲 𝐂a𝐮s𝐞
Apostle Dr. Joseph Serwadda cordially invites you to commemorate his 70th birthday and support a heartfelt mission: the creation of a Children’s Health Centre. This significant event will take place on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at Victory Christian Centre Ndeeba.
Your attendance and contributions will not only honor his milestone but also contribute to a legacy that will enhance the well-being of countless children.
#DrSerwaddaAt70 - A celebration of life, a step towards a healthier future for children
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