Maestro Gmp Samuel 4 years ago Read: 297 Times

New Release - Celebrate by Levixone x Beza Deborah

This is a new one acknowledging the fact that, our only legit celebration should be rooted and found in Christ Jesus. 

Many times we think that salvation is boring and possibly that has been our dub of it all but hey!! It's wrong and not true, it's in Christ Jesus that we find complete joy which causes us to celebrate and yes!! Celebrating Jesus Christ himself and not man cause He authors it all.

Question is; Do you celebrate Jesus everyday?
Or those around you especially the ones with whom you share the household of God with??

It is very important to know this and walk in and by it.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's Beza Deborah ft. Levixone with an amazing tune "Celebration" an audio that is out!

Producer: #DaddyAndre



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