Allan Dereal 8 years ago Read: 1045 Times

An Exclusive Interview with Olivia Ziwa

Olivia Ziwa of “Mission 3:16” and “Can Men Cook” shows that air on NBS TV won an award for  “TV personality of the year” in the recently concluded HIT Awards. She  had a chat with a one Saint Silver from Our camp here at GMP and this is what they spoke about.




1.       Who is Olivia Ziwa?

 Funny how I keep asking people this same question almost every week but am never prepared for it.

Well, my friends say am a ‘What you see is what you get’ kind which is true but I Love GOD and I hold humility and tranquility as my greatest virtues. Am a TV Show hostess, entrepreneur and I love making people happy and extending to them a sense of hope.


2.       When in the spotlight, some people change names and go by other aliases, why didn’t you do that?

Hahaha.. Some Aliases sound cool and those that use them have different reasons why. but to me, it would almost feel like another fictitious Olivia and there comes a time when you’ve out-grown that name but it’s hard to let everyone tag with the change so then you’re stuck with your pseudonym and might block some opportunities.

I prefer to go by my real name because I want my work to be associated with me and it’s also a way of building your identity and brand.


3.       What inspired you to join TV?


In my primary seven I tried to think of a way to encourage young people to make better choices so I interested two other girl-friends to write articles on Self-esteem, Peer pressure, Addictions, Abuse and how to make better choices for a magazine that we would publish and distribute in schools and different communities.

One good day a family friend working at the newly opened TOP TELEVISION heard us talking about it and said these were awesome ideas and it will be even a bigger platform to reach out to the young people through Television and called us in for a screen interview. We were so excited but nervous at the same time but we did so well at the interview and that’s how I started my  Television journey in 2001 hosting TOP TEENS on TOP TV it became a great passion, leading me to pursuing a degree in mass communication to enrich my career .


4.       And why did you choose to work for a non-Christian centered media house?

To me, what I do is not just entertainment but it’s more like ministry so Top television was a great starting platform for me and am forever grateful but I was there for 6 years and when an opportunity to work with NBS TV came up, I knew it was a chance to grow my career but also be able to reach a bigger audience so I took it.

NBS TV is an enormous brand and am so lucky and happy to be a part of such and amazing family.


5.        What traits about you have made you such an excellent and outstanding brand in Television?

I have always been very expressive and eloquent and I loved encouraging others plus I was a leader for most of my school life so all these boosted my confidence and motivation. Am also very ambitious, patient, and hardworking and am very open to learning and I always aim at being better than yesterday. I guess all these have contributed to the bigger picture.


6.        Anyone that watches you is drawn in by how confident, zealous and well-expressed you present your show like all you say comes from the depth of your heart. Where do you draw so much passion?

My topics on Mission 3:16are either inspired by personal experience or what I see around me.

l grew up in a community where a lot was going on. I watched teenagers make wrong choices, dropping out of school, smoking, drinking, teenage pregnancies and they suffered as a result of their poor choices and this broke my heart. Several viewers reach out to me for counsel and advice on issues they are dealing with so I listen and I try to understand their situation and help other than judge them.


7.       How long have you been working on TV?

I’ve been on TV for 15 years now and I count my blessings each day thanking God for His favor.

The viewers have literally watched me grow from that young shy yet passionate teenager with the high school haircuts (she laughs) into the host I am today.

And what’s humbling for me is that the number of viewers and fans of my shows just keep increasing by the year and their love and appreciation for my work grows more and more. I feel so blessed and am so grateful.


8.       Any challenges along the way?

It’s been an amazingly enjoyable journey over the years but not without its challenges.

It’s majorly the pressure to keep up as a personality but also how to keep the shows fun and alive to keep the viewers happy. It takes a lot of hard work, creativity and grace to remain relevant and keep a loyal audience especially after so many years on TV.


9.       How do you handle viewers’ responses to your shows?


Luckily I receive a lot of feedback from people who love and enjoy my shows and also appreciate how I present so it’s an over flow of love showers and appreciation from the audience but when you’re on TV it’s like you’ve put yourself out there and people will always have an opinion on how you should live your life, how you should look, talk, walk, dress and if its anything different from their picture then they will say it but you can’t please everyone there’s always that person with personal issues so the tip is to just be yourself and do you.



10.   Any achievements?

Coming to Television,my dream and wish was to inspire someone to do better, be a blessing to someone. Almost everyday people tell me I inspire them and that their lives have been transformed through my shows. There’s no better achievement than that for me.

But I have done some business and been awarded;

·         Best Gospel Television Show of the Year: Mission 3:16 Show - Radio and TV Awards (RTVA) 2014

·         TV Personality of the Year - HIT Awards 2015

·         Best Gospel Television Show of the Year: Mission 3:16 Show - Radio and TV Awards (RTVA) 2015

·         TV Personality of the Year - HIT Awards 2016


11.   Speaking of achievements, you were recognized twice as TV personality of the year Consecutively in HIT AWRDS. How does that make you feel? Any secrets behind your success?


Am where Iam today because of God’s favor but also because of everyone that watches my shows on NBS TV so thank you. Without the viewers, there would be no show and I feel so happy, honored and humbled by their love and support.

The Secret is God. I Pray and trust God through everything and of course in all I do I always desire to be better than I was yesterday so I work hard towards that.


12.   We hear you’ve thrown a MEET & GREET bash to appreciate and interact with your fans. Tell us more about it.

Yeeeess!!! My team and I are very thankful to our Mission 3:16 and Can Men Cook Show viewers and friends for the support and so this event is just to say Thank you for watching and supporting the shows and NBS TV.

We want to meet, interact, eat and have fun together so expect a good time, plenty of food, great performances from Race –T,  Levixone, Holy Keane, Zabuli, Lena-Price Lyll mykk, Robinsan, Mc Rabbi from Kenya among others.


14. Where will this be?

Carnival also known as Capital Palace Hotel is located in Naguru, Katalima Crescent less than 5mins from the main road.

As you head to Ntinda opposite Frobel stage before Victory City Church, Take the small lane by Hillside Plaza building, go through till you see a katalima crescent sign post on your left, that day Red carnival tear drops will be fixed by the road side to lead you to the venue.
Alternatively, go by our traditional "ask someone" way or pick a Boda from that stage at 1000sh, or turn on google map.

PLEASE COME and enjoy and endless flow of delicious BBQ, all kinds of meat including game meat and more for only 30,000 shillings. People are not paying to come see me but they are only paying for their meal.

Meal Coupons can be picked from NBS TV RECEPTION or those that prefer to pay through Mobile money or Airtel Money can do so on



And they will receive a message with a secret code that they will give in at the entrance.<



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