Maestro Gmp Samuel 5 years ago Read: 125 Times

Bill Released a new audio Omukwano

As GMP Promotions, we appreciate and give high regard to fresh and rising talent, we literally give platform to this talent and who knows, what might sprout from either the east or the west or south or north?? well God does.

Here is Bill Tugume a Ugandan gospel songwriter-singer, enthusiastic about music and spreading the gospel of Jesus through it. His desire is to see the banner of Jesus lifted high and high and higher, that is his passion as well. He is the voice behind the song; Ug High a song that simply speaks of the love for the nation of Uganda but also the fact that Uganda as a nation belongs to God we ought to love it and be the light that shines in the dark corners.

Away from that, this is the year 2019 and am sure you have been waiting to hear what aroma comes from his musical kitchen in regard to what he is cooking for us, well your waiting has paid off and now here is his latest audio, freshly out its dubbed Omukwano

Producer: Dreign from the "House of Dreign"




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