Maestro Gmp Samuel 5 years ago Read: 436 Times

The On-going Can You Praise Talent Search 2019 "Season one"*

The search for the next sensational and iconic gospel music minister/artist is on going and i must say the talent from these young stars is pretty amazing and so eye-catching and heart throbbing, these wonderful young lads and divas are just incredibly gifted.

This Previous Sunday 3rd March we had to kick off the #CYP19LiveSetPerformances and each of these contestants had to perform live a song in regard to assure the judges that they deserve a stay in the run to becoming the next #CYPStar and it was an amazing evening of soothing performances however to some of these contestants, did not manage to go through and so four of them were sent back home with failure to convince the judges that they deserve a place of stay in the competition ,the number reducing to 22 contestants out of the 26 and of which these 22 we have 2 on probation which means that this Sunday the 10th March ,they have to convince the Judges and as well defend their stay in the competition.

The pressure is getting higher, the skills are rising in temperature too, the question is who deserves to win this?? 

Keep the eyes open and be ready to vote your favorite.

This Sunday 10th March 2019 we are in for the second set of Live Performances and so the contestants will battling it out and our theme is Celebrate Africa meaning we are gonna have sounds of great african tunes grace the evening, performed live back to back.
So you got to show up and see for yourself

Hotel Eliana Kiwatule Ntinda
Free entrance!!!



This Week's Top Song

Yatonda Omuntu | Nelima Esther
Downlod Song Play Song

Nelima Esther-Yatonda Omuntu