Allan Dereal 6 years ago Read: 424 Times

From Glory to Glory; Jennifer Musisi now part of Havard University staff in U.S.A

When destiny calls, it actually roars instead, and when it does every thing or say every other voice becomes numb and mute all in awe of what it has unfolded.
Gifts on the other hand make way and room for us to shine unceasingly and that nothing can blot it out. 

Here is Mrs. Semakula Jennifer Musisi the former Executive Director of Kampala City Council Authority leaping to being a Staff at one of the renown Universities in America, Harvard University under the school of Governance and leadership, this can only be God surely to attribute this great achievement to.
This lady is a "Lioness" and she is a tremendous blessing and above it all she is a born again Christian, she loves the LORD and so we must say all her victory its God and God alone, the gift is just but an added advantage and a channel through which God exercises his supremacy and sovereignty.

Join us congratulate as well as celebrate this milestone

As GMP Promotions we say #Congratulations.



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Yatonda Omuntu | Nelima Esther
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Nelima Esther-Yatonda Omuntu