Allan Dereal 6 years ago Read: 568 Times

Fortune Spice serenades 2019 with a new churchbanger - Yaaliko Audio

Consistent in his music ministry and the ability to sustain the impact thereof is not on his own, its all by God's grace.
Seeing the transition from the days of Ddaala then we get kulukuta ft. Coopy bly then we have Making Jesus famous and then Nanyini Kampala that took the city by storm and airwaves too which shows his gradual yet firm founded impact through his music.

This brand new church banger follows the release of his debut audio; #Gologosa ft. Mwiza Sheba, this brother is a blessing and the few interactions with him, he does not do music to be seen or heard of how good he is rather he is a man with a vision of reaching out to souls both in out of the household of God and so his mission is that as well.

Ladies and gentlemen, Fortune with another one; #YaalikoAudio
A Deri beats production.


Keep it locked here @ to know when the audio is officially available.



This Week's Top Song

Yatonda Omuntu | Nelima Esther
Downlod Song Play Song

Nelima Esther-Yatonda Omuntu