JohnMarie with a fresh vibe; He's Able
Gospel Singer and Songwriter, music trainer, and producer at M-ONE Records; JohnMarie is here yet again with a new audio dubbed #He'sAble a song that proclaims of God's unquestionable ability to do ALL THINGS and that with him no mountain stays standing, every question that had seemed hard, he is the answer giver, only if you acknowledge Him as one who can do all things.
JohnMarie is the artist behind the "Nsiima hit song" that has won him awards, but also played on radio stations plus gotten people using it for documentaries on regards to the appreciations of typical cultural and Ugandan sound. He is a blessed music minister whose influence is on both national and international platforms.
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N S I I M A F E S T I V A L | 9th D E C
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