Allan Dereal 8 years ago Read: 677 Times

Dafari The Disciple Exclusive Interview


He is a Gospel artist based in Kenya, a managing director at More Life media, a song writer, singer, producer and a preacher born to a pastor who always makes outstanding intros in most of his songs like in the “The Blesser”, he goes like “Many people want the Blessings and not The Blesser, so we introduce you to King Jesus The Blesser. If you can’t get the Kiswahili, Google it please……” and in his song “The Cross” which he featured on from the seek after riddim vol 1 “thanx to DJ Conrad” in the intro he goes like “ you see some say Dafari would have  been the best Gospel reggae  artist in Africa arguably , if only him concentrate more on his music than the pulpit, him coulda make it. That’s what dem say, But mi nah leave the pulpit for the music you why?”
He is well known for hit songs like: help featuring Levixone, am okay, Monday till Sunday, big God, follow @Jesus, kichaa, punda, neema. He also featured on the seek after and sold out riddims which did pretty well here in Uganda and the rest of the world. Ladies and gentlemen , this week we present to you  DAFARI from KENYA.
#TeamGMP (Gospel Music Promoter) had a chat with him and this is what they spoke about:

GMP:    Who is Dafari?
Dafari:    Dafari is simply a servant of God, a preacher and a Gospel artist.

GMP:    Why do you call yourself Dafari?
Dafari:    Dafari means The disciple in Jamaican patois which describes my duty in the Kingdom.

GMP:    As a gospel artist, what are some of the challenges that you face day-to-day from being a musician?
Dafari:    The greatest challenge that I face from day to day is getting the relevant message from God to His people through a song and not singing what is on my own mind that means soaking myself in prayer.

GMP:    Do you find it difficult to get fed spiritually due to the duties you hold as a musician and a pastor?
Dafari:    No, I don’t find it hard to be fed spiritually coz I don’t preach everyday of the week, so I usually get time to sit and receive from men of God.

GMP:    You have developed a reputation for having an energizer bunny kind of energy during your live performance. With God’s assistance of course, how do you sustain such level of energy?
Dafari:    I am crazy about God that’s the reason for my energy. You know when an artist goes on stage he actually goes to the forefront of the battle, so deal with the enemy properly with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT.

GMP:    One of my favorite songs from you is “Unstoppable”. What life event inspired the song’s conception? And what does the song mean today?
Dafari:    The devil always fights to block and stop the work of God in us, that’s why the Bible says “He is the accuser of brethren. The Bible on the other hand says that says that “He who started the good work in you is faithful and just to finish it the song is therefore meant to encourage Ministers who feel like giving up not to coz God is always faithful. My first verse is an encouraging testimony of what God can do and what He has done for me.

GMP:    Another of my favorite  is “nah fret (bad mind), any story behind it?
Dafari:    Yeah, there is a great story in the Bible where Moses told the Israelites to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, MUST stand still WITHOUT FEARING PHARAOH or the RED SEA.

GMP:    Do you face challenges when you want to market your music to mainstream audience?
Dafari:    Yes, there is always a challenge but when the song belongs to GOD, it seizes to be yours therefore God always finds a way for the song to get airplay.

GMP:    How did being a preacher’s son help you to hone your music talents? Did you feel any pressure? Do you ever wonder why God chose you to what you do?
Dafari:    No, I don’t wonder why God chose me; actually I am happy He did. Being born by a pastor has its challenges but when you align yourself to the will of God, the challenges become blessings and opportunities for ministry.

GMP:    Kenyan Gospel Music tends to be taking over Ugandan. Do you think Ugandan Gospel Music gets enough airplay in Kenya?  If no what do you think should be done.
Dafari:    I will call it like it is. The Kenyan Gospel Industry hardly gives airplay to Ugandan artists for reasons not known to me yet, which for me is bad enough for God to intervene.

GMP:    Your collabo with Levixone was a hit down here in Uganda as it became every one’s prayer and topped chats. How did you link up with Levixone? Which Ugandan artist would you ever want to work with and what is the procedure?
Dafari:    it’s a blessing  to hear that the song was big, LEVIXONE,  is a HUMBLE  servant of God who has a HEART for things of God and that was what drove me to work on a song with him. I can work with any ANOINTED Uganda artist following the direction of God at the right time.

GMP:    After releasing Follow @ Jesus, what happened coz you have been quiet. Have you been cooking something?
Dafari:    I have been working on my third international album which is scheduled to be released on the 12th December that’s why I went silent. But people can get my full-length albums from and after you get the 100% album from where Follow @Jesus came from, you won’t I went silent.

GMP:    Any last word to your fans and may be any incoming projects.
Dafari:     Finally, I would like to tell my fans thank you for supporting my music ministry for FOUR YEARS IN UGANDA.  For my videos go to  For my albums go to and search for Dafari.

You can alsolike his facebook page here

About the Preacher bouy album:
Its a balance of art and the word…the preacher and the artist, hence the name preacher bwoy.
It’s set to be released on 12th December
It’s going to be his 3rd international album which the songs have been kept a secret till the release Date.
It’s a 12track Album so you better watch out for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                            

Whatsapp +25672985090



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