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JREMIAH is a humble servant of God chosen to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music.

I am a Uganda and I come from a family of six children making me the 2nd last born and I was born on the 12 of June .

I got the love of music ever since I was in primary school in the class of primary 6 that is when I got passion for music that is when I got to start to singing music by artists like Mario , R Kelly and many others and on many occasions I loved to sing in the shower up to now it's the place I feel free to sing and release my self . Later on I finished my studies and lacked what to do but then I started to write my own music and one time as I was writing my music and singing my older brother known as Loran heard me sing and advised me to serve under my brother in laws  entertainment group Exodus group  known l'y known as  Gear Music Empire and I served there like for 3 years till God landed me on another gospel artist who inspired me alot known as Philla from the duo Kingsley and Philla who helped me a lot by advising and mentoring me plus guiding me in the areas of music and that was in 2014 when I voiced my first song known as repent till today am still able to serve the Lord .

My mission is repentance and love in this world and I am inspired to write my music by the Holy Spirit and Life which as a lot to teach and give you because it's speaks more than words like a time I was thrown out of my house where I rented and most of my property was confiscated by the authorities for a misunderstanding with my Land Lord that hurt me alot but the most important thing was to learn a lesson from my situation and I wrote a song called LIFE GENDA OKOLE , GENDA OKOLE is a luganda word to mean GO AND WORK so my lesson was leave your comfort zone and go get ways of earning an income than sitting and waiting for someone to provide .