Am Wabuyaka Anna aka Annabella Wabs my stage name which I derived from my original name.
I am the 5th born to my mother Watela Alice and my father Wesonga Sam.
Am agishu by tribe, dancehall artist from here Uganda, I have been to several places during my
childhood simply because I wanted to study after my elders had dropped out of school due to
lack of school fees.
Our father abandoned us after having misunderstandings with my mum over issues we didn't
know and so through out school life I was going here and there for support since mum also
never had enough. After s6, I decided to come to kampala to look for a job while staying in
kawuku enttebbe at my sister's place, later I got a job as a maid at Nsambya babies home
mother kevina cooking on fire wood tortured me so bad I was forced to leave after my results
were back and I went for anursing course at Kampala University school o fnursing and got done
in 2016.
Since childhood our mum made sure we attended church I was made a leader everywhere I
went in different fellowships since Sunday school but never hadIreally confessedvChrist as my
personal saviour, due to too much protection through childhood, at high school when I got to
University I got saved because of the freedom to going out, having my own phone with no
restrictions I got to do all sorts of evil with no fear of anything. I could get drunk and sleep out
on several occasions but still on Sunday I would come and lead in fellowships because I was the
choir leader as well as a Bible study leader. To the church I was that humble Christian girl but to
the world I was it's most spoiled soul.
However sinceI was a leader in church a chance came when we were invited to attend a seminar
in Mbarara held by some elders from Nigeria so I went with some of the friends. This was the
greatest decision I had ever made formy life because in that seminar is when I decided to
purely accept Christ as my personal saviour and focused on changing my life more then.
Things didn't just change immediately and normally some where some how I had to suffer the
consequences of my actions, getting rid of the long chain of guys I had was also not easy but
later God helped me through the whole transformation process and I finally got my freedom
I started singing in June 2019 after God had seemed to have answered my long time prayer I
was presenting to Him for so long I got over whelmed and a song called LET'S DANCE dropped
in to my mind's and I started writing it down I later contacted my friend producer and told him I
want to record he was so excited and linked me to one producer called IVAN BWONGO. my
other two songs AKWETAGA and NYANJALA we're done by century vybes. At this ti me I had
gotten a job so I managed to sponsor my own bills.
My calling is to they ouths more so the teens, earlier when I got to find out that am to start
singing I wanted to sound like Judith Babirye but later God directed me to be more helpful to the
teens due to the story behind my life that can be helpful.
Judith Babiry has been a great icon in changing my life through her music and her passion for
God put me on fire too for God days back when I just got to knon where music but though after I
started recording I came across alot of young vibrate artists who have played a great role in me
likes of JK SHINE, ZABULI, LENA PRICE and PREACHERMAN mention but a few.
I am afree person down to earth, I enjoy making jokes and laugh alot but how ever I give up
easily on people who take me for granted and I block people so much simply because I suffer
from anxiety disorder if I get annoyed for so long I break down to prevent this I get rid of the
offend erearly enough to help me cool to normal.
Singing being my number one hobby, I watching movies, making adventures and am good and
talented in table tennis.
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